Canopy walkwayA constructed bridge walkway through the tree tops of a forest.
Carbon FootprintThe total amount of
greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities,
usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).
Carbon offsetAny trading system
designed to offset carbon emissions from one activity (such as burning fossil
fuels in manufacturing, driving or flying) with another (such as installing
more efficient technologies, planting carbon reducing plants or establishing
contracts with others not to partake in carbon releasing activities)
(Dictionary of Sustainable Management, 2008).
Carrying capacityThe
level of visitor use an area can accommodate with high levels of satisfaction for visitors and few impacts on resources. Carrying capacity estimates are determined by many factors such as environmental, social and managerial.
Charter groupGroup
travel, in which a previously organised group travels together usually on a customized
Code of conductGuidelines
for appropriate social, cultural and environmentally responsible behaviour. Codes of conduct are in no way binding on the industry or the individual.
CommissionsA percentage of the
total product cost paid to travel agents and other travel product distributors
for selling the product to the consumer. Travel agents usually receive an
amount averaging no less than 10% of the retail price. Wholesalers or inbound
tour operators usually receive 20–30% of the advertised price. Commission
levels for online travel agencies vary.
production of commodities for exchange via the market as opposed to direct use by the producer. One form of commodified leisure today can be seen in specific forms of tourism, where travel to far distant and different places is marketed as ‘paradise gained’. Tourism becomes a ‘freely chosen’ leisure activity to be consumed.
Community See
Local community.
Community-based tourism (CBT)CBT
is generally considered a privately offered set of hospitality services (and features), extended to visitors, by individuals, families or a local community. A key objective of CBT is to establish direct personal/cultural exchange between host and guest in a balanced manner that enables a mutual understanding, solidarity and equality for those involved.
Complimentary No
charge is made for the item or service offered.
protection, maintenance, management, sustainable use, restoration and enhancement of the natural environment (ANZECC Task Force on Biological Diversity, 1993). The management of human use of the biosphere so that it may yield the greatest sustainable benefit to present generations while maintaining its potential to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations (National Conservation Strategy for Australia).
Conservation areaAn area of special
architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is
desirable to preserve or enhance. The designation of a Conservation Area is a
public statement of in the by the local authority; it is not in itself a proposal
for specific action or a planning technique, but defines an objective and a set
of problems for which supporting policies will be required.
Conservation enterprisesIncome generating activities that focus on conserving natural
resources and ecosystems.
Conservation PollutantsPollutants
that do not decay, that are non-biodegradable e.g. heavy metals and many
Conservation-reliant speciesAre animal or plant
species that require continuing species-specific wildlife management
intervention such as predator control, habitat management and parasite control
to survive, even when a self-sustainable recovery in population is achieved.
Constant attractionsAttributes
that are widespread or have an intangible quality about them (e.g. good weather, safety, etc.).
Consumptive Use of WaterAny
use of water which depletes the available supply.
Creative thinkingThe
act of redefining an issue by looking at it from a new perspective.
Cultural TourismCultural tourism is the
subset of tourism concerned with a country or region's culture, specifically
the lifestyle of the people in those geographical areas, the history of those
people, their art, architecture, religion, and other elements that helped shape
their way of life.